What is Homeopathy?

Homeopathy aims to stimulate the bodies’ own healing mechanisms. The homeopathic remedies usually highly diluted natural substances, based on  plants, minerals, animal proteins and poisons.

Illness, Balance and Health

To a homeopath, illness is an energy imbalance that occurs first at the most fundamental levels of the person. If you are in balance, totally healthy, you are free of pain, have plenty of energy, think clearly, experience happiness and passion for life. Homeopathy attempts to bring a person to the highest level of health possible on physical, mental and emotional levels. The dynamic balance of all functions in your body is called homeostasis. Your body is a very complicated, self repairing and self regulatory homeostatic system, which is constantly regulating itself. When the carbon dioxide level  begins to rise, you breathe more deeply, when you drink too much, urination increases to keep a constant level of the liquid in your blood. When the immune system recognizes the alien proteins ( come with bacteria or viruses or toxins) it produces the antibodies to block them from damaging your cells. All regulations together are the defense mechanism which allows the body to remain functioning and  healthy. The defense mechanism is not just physical. It also has mental and emotional aspects to it.

Search for a Similimum

Finding the Similimum for a person has always been a challenging process. The patient should be able to realize and describe the most peculiar characteristics of his pathology on a physical, mental and general level. Then the homeopath must match the symptoms to those in the repertory, the document constantly updated with the ongoing information from the provings and cases, and therefore never completed.

The neuro-science approach used by JB Homeopathy allows finding your similimum in the more efficient way, overcoming the faults of classical repertory approach

Homeopathic consultation - two women at the table looking at remedy capsules.

Guest appearance on a YouTube channel for Russian-speaking audience. (Lecture is given in Russian).

Lecture (in Russian) about what is homeopathy
Julia Brukhman headshot

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