What is Homeopathy?
Homeopathy aims to stimulate the bodies’ own healing mechanisms. The homeopathic remedies usually highly diluted natural substances, based on plants, minerals, animal proteins and poisons.

Law of Cure
Homeopathy uses natural substances that can cause symptoms in the healthy person to cure the same symptoms in a person who is ill.
Basically the phenomena could be explained based on the natural healing mechanisms the body turns when attacked by external agents( such as bacteria, viruses, parasites, toxins, stress, injuries). Hahnemann called it the first and the second actions of the body. Development of the symptoms brought by the agent is called first action. Then the body would turn the defense system on to eliminate the effects/symptoms : the second action. If the effects are similar to an old disease, the person had before the current ailment, his body will illuminate the old disease as well. For example if a person had a chronic skin illness and now gets the infectious disease causing the skin eruptions, the healing of the current acute illness would eliminate the chronic skin condition.
Do you remember the last time you were stung by a bee? The stinging, the burning pain, swelling, heat, redness. How can a poisonous substance like bee venom be used in medicine? The remedy made of bee venom can reduce symptoms of a bee bite, but also other illnesses that have similar symptoms: conjunctivitis( stinging and burning pain, swelling, redness of the eyelids), type of arthritis with that is hot red and swollen – can be cured by the same remedy.
Brief History

Homeopathy was invented by Samuel Hahnemann( 1755-1843).He was a German scholar. Physician and chemist, Hahnemann was appealed by inefficient methods of healing used by his contemporaries. Treatments like purging, bloodletting, sweating, applying leeches, using mercury and arsenic, the poisonous chemicals. The bloodletting itself could kill the patient. Hahnemann was a relentless investigator . One day he questioned why cinchona bark could cure malaria. He decided to take the extract from the bark and experience the effect himself. From the experiment he recognized the principle that LIKE cures LIKE. That later was called the law of similars. The extract he swallowed produced the symptoms in him similar to that of the disease. Hahnemann theorized that if cinchona bark can produce the symptoms similar to malaria which it cures, that it should be true for other substances as well.

Illness, Balance and Health
To a homeopath, illness is an energy imbalance that occurs first at the most fundamental levels of the person. If you are in balance, totally healthy, you are free of pain, have plenty of energy, think clearly, experience happiness and passion for life. Homeopathy attempts to bring a person to the highest level of health possible on physical, mental and emotional levels. The dynamic balance of all functions in your body is called homeostasis. Your body is a very complicated, self repairing and self regulatory homeostatic system, which is constantly regulating itself. When the carbon dioxide level begins to rise, you breathe more deeply, when you drink too much, urination increases to keep a constant level of the liquid in your blood. When the immune system recognizes the alien proteins ( come with bacteria or viruses or toxins) it produces the antibodies to block them from damaging your cells. All regulations together are the defense mechanism which allows the body to remain functioning and healthy. The defense mechanism is not just physical. It also has mental and emotional aspects to it.
Importance of symptoms totality
Imbalance in common symptoms such as pain, inflammation, fever, swelling, changes in perspiration, urination, sleep, hunger, thirst, often points to a health imbalance in your body.
Based on the totality of your symptoms, the only one remedy will be prescribed to you that matches your unique, individual symptoms. The remedy which matches your symptoms the best, is called Similimum. There is no other remedy that would work on you better at that particular time. Homeopaths treat people, not diagnoses. When you are ill, your illness has its own unique pattern of symptoms. That reflects the particular pattern of a disbalance that is unique for your current state and heredity. People with the same diagnosis will not all need the same remedy. Even when you have a common flu, some of your symptoms will be unique. While you are cold and thirsty and very weak, with a stuffy runny nose, another person could be hot, have throat pain only on the left side, and the white coating of the tongue.

The Hering’s law of cure
Taking the pills of your remedy – Similimum – would start the healing process that, at the end, ideally, should eliminate your pathological symptoms in their full totality. The Hering law of cure specifies the order in which the symptoms disappear. Constantine Hering was a German homeopath. He stated that the cure proceeds from top to bottom, from inside out, from recent symptoms to old symptoms, from most important organs to less important organs. The idea behind Hering’s law of cure is that your body is always trying to keep symptoms on the most superficial level possible to promote better overall health.
Homeopathy has no side effects
Homeopathy doesn’t function on the level of one physiological phenomena, bio- chemical process, like the modern biochemical medications do. Our body is smart and reuse its proteins in multiple processes. By blocking one mechanism chemically, another process is blocked, for which there was no intention. Therefore the biochemical pills always cause the so-called “side effects”.
For example, renin, the hormone produced by kidneys , participates in the production of angiotensin, the substance that narrows the blood vessels and therefore increases the blood pressure. By blocking the renin production, the High Blood Pressure medicines reduce the BP. But there is another protein production, aimed for bronco’s cleaning, utilizing renin as well. It is also reduced. That causing side effects such as asthmatic cough.
Homeopathy, on the contrary, stimulates your body to awaken its defense system. To notice and heal the chronic problem you lived with for a long time, the problem your body stopped noticing and perceiving as an ailment. When it starts repairing itself, it does it in the most efficient way , without any chemical interference, and therefore using homeopathy brings no side effects to your health.
Over 200
years of history
Thousands of
Works well
with conventional medicine
sources for homeopathic remedies
Search for a Similimum
Finding the Similimum for a person has always been a challenging process. The patient should be able to realize and describe the most peculiar characteristics of his pathology on a physical, mental and general level. Then the homeopath must match the symptoms to those in the repertory, the document constantly updated with the ongoing information from the provings and cases, and therefore never completed.
The neuro-science approach used by JB Homeopathy allows finding your similimum in the more efficient way, overcoming the faults of classical repertory approach

Guest appearance on a YouTube channel for Russian-speaking audience. (Lecture is given in Russian).

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